"Fly like a butterfly" im Englischunterricht - HS Grödig

Die HS Grödig fuhr mit Frau Ingeborg Plauner u. Fr. Angelika Röhrl am 20. Juni 2005 im Rahmen eines Projektes mit 40 Schülern und Schülerinnen nach Mauthausen.

Im Zuge der Nachbereitung las Frau Plauner mit einer 4. Klasse/ 2. Leistungsgruppe das Buch "Fly like a butterfly..". Die Schüler schrieben im Anschluss an die Autorin Hannah Gofrith Briefe:


Dear Hannah
I read about your story at school and I must say that it moved me very much.
I have already heard about the Holocaust, but there is a big difference when
you read about the life of one person. I think it was very terrible for you that
you couldn’t go to school and I was really shocked when I read that your
grandma was deported by the German soldier. It must have been very hard
for your family to live in the pig – pen . It’s good that you have a new life in
Israel now.
Do you still think of the bad times in Poland?
Do you have contact to your neighbours Skovroneck who helped you?
I wish you all the best
For your future life

Dear Hannah
We were reading your book in the school. It’s hard for me to believe what you had to suffer. It is too terrible for me. You have all my compassion. I hope this will never happen again. You are a strong person when you can live now. In this time it’s good to believe one could fly like a butterfly. You would have deserved a better childhood. I think this was the worst in the world that had ever happened. I am angry and I hate all the Nazis. But Nazis are still around unfortunately.
Christoph Linner

Dear Hannah!
I have read your book. It’s hard to believe what happened to you. I hope that will never happen again. I don’t know why people can kill other people. I know how you have felt in the war, because I am a Moslem. In the war in Yugoslavia I have lost many of my relatives. I have one question, why did so many people have to die, although they had done nothing?
And why did so many people listen to the monster Hitler? I don’t know. So I wish you good luck in your life in Israel.

Dear Hannah
I have read your book, about your life.
When I heard that your family has died I was very sad.
But your cruel life had a good end.
I hope that you are very happy with your husband and your children.
Good bye
Ursula Troger

Dear Hannah!
I write you because is very important to know about this war. It was very terrible that so many people died. I think all Nazis of the world should be punished. Hannah you are a strong woman. You have suffered so much. I really hope that it will never happen again. Hannah you have all my compassion.
From Sinan Aslan

Dear Hannah!
I have read your book. I felt very sad about your life. It is really cruel what you had to suffer. It is horrible to believe that your family has died. I sometimes would
like “Fly like a butterfly” too. You have all my compassion.
In history I have learned about the facts of the German Soldiers. But nothing is so brutal like your story. I hope your life is better now.
Theresa Popescu

Dear Hannah,
I’ve read your book and it was very impressive for me. I liked your optimistic view of life.
The book made me think about the bad time you and other Jews must have had.
It’s hard for me to believe what you experienced.  But it was very nice that families hid Jews, because this was very dangerous for them I think.
I wish you and your family a long life and stay healthy.
Yours Nina!

Dear Hannah!!
At school we have read your book. I have felt bad while I read it. It was very hard for me to believe this, but I can feel with you! I think that it was very hard to you when you lost your father. At history we learned about this Nazis but your story has moved me more. It was very important from the Skovroneck family that they helped you. I think that was very hard for you, to write the book.  When I read the story, I often think about the time, and all the people who died. I know that should never happen again.
Yours Selma

Dear Hannah,
I have read the book „I wanted to Fly like a Butterfly“. It makes me sorry that this had happened, and I don’t understand Hitler!!!! How can a human do that???
Jews are humans and Germans are humans!!!! I think that Hitler was a very cruel man.
I hope that this will never happen again. I do all that this will never happen again.
It makes me sorry about your family!!!
Best wishes,
Bergner Christopher

Im Rahmen dieses Projektes veranstaltete die Rudolf-Steiner-Schule am 9.November eine Gedenkveranstaltung für die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus und Antisemitismus. Vor dem ehem. Kaufhaus Schwarz bauten die Schüler einen Info-Stand auf und verteilten Flugblätter mit der Geschichte der Fam. Schwarz an Passanten.


