Umfassender Überblick über die wissenschaftliche Literatur zum Genozid an den Roma und Sinti

Eine Publikation der IHRA bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die wissenschaftliche Literatur zum Genozid an den Roma und Sinti. Die Publikation erschien 2016.

The Genocide and Persecution of Roma and Sinti. Bibliography and Historiographical Review

By Ilsen About & Anna Abakunova, with over 1400 titles (2016). Following the first attempt to compile a bibliographical summary on this topic by Gabrielle Tyrnauer in 1989, no further summaries on the topic have been carried out. The goal of the bibliography is to provide an overview of all published materials which present or analyse primary sources, or provide interpretative perspectives on material related to the genocide of the Roma.

