Simon Wiesenthal Lecture: Jack Fairweather: The Trials of Fritz Bauer. How Life as a Gay Jewish Socialist under the Nazis Shaped His Quest for Justice

Eine Veranstaltung des Wiener Wiesenthal Instituts für Holocauststudien (VWI) in englischer Sprache.

13.06.2024 von 18:30 bis 20:00 (Europe/Vienna / UTC200)




Wiener Wiesenthal Institut für Holocaust-Studien (VWI), Rabensteig 3, Research Lounge (3.OG), 1010

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Fritz Bauer’s daring mission to bring Adolf Eichmann and the perpetrators of Auschwitz to justice forced Germany and the world to pay attention to the crimes of the Holocaust. Bauer’s moral courage in speaking out in a society that had not yet come to terms with its past, which he himself likened to “enemy territory” is striking. But what made a gay Jewish socialist, imprisoned by the Nazis and only narrowly escaping their clutches during the war, go return to Germany to force a reckoning?

This lecture will explore how Bauer’s early experience of persecution under the Nazis and in exile in Denmark and Sweden helped to shape his passion for justice –– and our modern understanding of the Holocaust.

Jack Fairweather is the bestselling author of The Volunteer. The True Story of the Resistance Hero Who Infiltrated Auschwitz, which has been translated into 25 languages and is the subject of a major new exhibition in Berlin. He has previously served as a war correspondent in Iraq and Afghanistan, where his reporting won a British Press Award and an Overseas Press Club award citation.

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