High-Level Panel: Antisemitism as the “new normal”? Addressing rising antisemitism effectively at universities and on social media

Am 6. Mai lädt das Österreichische Bundeskanzleramt zu einem internationalen Panel an die Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Die Veranstaltung findet ausschließlich auf Englisch statt.
What Fortbildungsangebote zum Krieg in Nahost

06.05.2024 von 09:30 bis 13:00 (Europe/Vienna / UTC200)


Wien, Österreich, International


Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Festsaal / Wien

Termin zum Kalender hinzufügen


Antisemitism as the “new normal”? – The high-level panel discusses ways of addressing rising antisemitism effectively at universities and on social media. The event will be held in English only.




09.30 Video Opening

H.E. Isaac Herzog
President of the State of Israel

09.40 Welcome

Heinz Faßmann
President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Karoline Edtstadler
Federal Minister for the EU and Constitution

Oskar Deutsch
President of the Jewish Community of Vienna (IKG)
President of the Federal Association of Jewish Religious Communities in Austria

10.00 Key Note

Sirpa Rautio
Director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)


10.15 Uhr Panel Discussion

Ambassador Deborah Lipstadt
Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, United States

Ken Weinstein
President Emeritus, Hudson Institute, United States

 Jason Isaacson
Chief Policy and Political Affairs Officer, American Jewish Committee

Ariel Muzicant
President of the European Jewish Congress

Katharina von Schnurbein
Coordinator on Combating Antisemitism and Fostering Jewish Life, European Commission

Dalia Grinfeld
Associate Director, European Affairs, Anti-Defamation League

12.00 Reception

persönlich per Mail bei Frau Mag. Alice Penz unter alice.penz@bka.gv.at