October 7th and the war in the Middle East - pedagogical handouts and web tools

A more comprehensive web collection on “Antisemitism in the context of Israel and the conflict in the Middle East” with an annotated selection of learning materials, handouts and web tools, as well as texts, can be found here: link. As part of our dossier on October 7th, present a small selection that is particularly suitable for the current challenges below: 

“Zentrum polis” – Learning politics at school and ERINNERN:AT

Thematic booklet for educators: Middle East: History – Conflict – Perceptions. With a dossier on war and terror.

The magazine issue “polis aktuell 5/2022” is a joint publication of the “Zentrum polis” and ERINNERN:AT. Teachers are provided with an introduction to the Middle East and its treatment in the classroom. In addition to contributions on the history of the region and Israel-related anti-Semitism, specific, easy-to-implement teaching suggestions and methods are presented. Due to the events in the Middle East, the booklet was expanded in October 2023 to include a dossier on dealing with war and terror in the classroom. It contains information and recommendations for teachers, which form a basis for categorising the conflict in historical and political terms, and for making Israel-related anti-Semitism a topic of discussion.


Anti-Semitism Initiative – “Kreuzberger Initiative gegen Antisemitismus e.V.” (KIgA), Berlin 

Dealing with the Middle East conflict and the current situation in schools 

KIgA Berlin has produced a concise and straightforward guide for teachers on how to deal with the Middle East conflict and the current situation in schools. Topics range from the importance of relationship work and dealing with emotions, as well as the necessity of clear boundaries in the face of anti-Semitism, racism and extremist positions, to emphasising the role of a multi-perspective approach and media competence, to promoting tolerance of contradiction and respectful debates that include (and bolster) the expression and recognition of diverse identities. Finally, a categorisation of Hamas is provided, as well as an explanation of the distinction between Israel-related anti-Semitism and legitimate criticism of Israeli policy. 


Jewish Museum Hohenems: #OhneAngstVerschiedenSein

Educational aid for dealing with the Hamas terrorist attacks on October 7th and their consequences, Hohenems 2023.

As part of the “#OhneAngstVerschiedenSein” project based at the Jewish Museum Hohenems, a working aid for dealing with the Hamas terrorist attacks on October 7th and their consequences in an educational context has been produced. It offers a compact overview of the events, which have been classified and contextualised. The handout contains tips for an appropriate educational approach to the terrorist attack and its consequences. First and foremost, this requires a clear stance that firmly rejects terror and violence as a means of conflict resolution. It is equally as important to know about the narratives that are now spreading throughout the world via social media and, thus, also reaching young people and influencing their judgement.


ufuq.de – Educational science, political education and prevention in a migration society

Talking about Israel and Palestine. The conflict in the Middle East in educational work. Berlin 2022.

The conflict in the Middle East is also a recurring theme in schools. It not only concerns the conflict itself and the events on the ground, but also about the past and present in Austria and Germany. The conflict acts like a “projection surface” for disputes in which society’s self-image is also negotiated, for example, in connection with migration and historical policy issues. The conflict is linked to Austria and Germany in a special way, and touches on the family histories and everyday lives of many pupils. All of this can also come up in the classroom without any “simple solutions” being found. 


ConAct – Coordination Centre for German-Israeli Youth Exchange

Education and Encounter after October 7th. Implications for German-Israeli Youth Exchange and Dealing with Anti-Semitism

The English-language toolkit “Education and Encounter after October 7th” offers guidance and pedagogical suggestions for multipliers in youth exchanges. It is intended to help people understand the events of October 7th in educational work with young people. In addition to the search for a suitable language, the toolkit encourages educational professionals to engage in bilateral dialogue on these topics.
The material provided highlights the impact of the events on Israeli society, and raises awareness of growing anti-Semitism in Europe and around the world. The toolkit also emphasises ongoing efforts to strengthen ties between young people from Germany and Israel in these difficult times.


University of Education Zurich

Conflict in the Middle East: support for schools

On this page, the University of Education Zurich provides offers, materials and information that support schools, teachers and students in dealing with the conflict in the Middle East and with issues relating to anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. In the context of the conflict in the Middle East, there is an increased need in schools for a differentiated and proactive approach to conflict-related tensions among pupils, for conflict resolution strategies and the prevention of violence, as well as the promotion of respect, tolerance and cultural diversity.
The page contains frequently asked questions and answers on dealing with the conflict in the Middle East in schools and lessons, as well as the episode brought to you by the podcast “Resonanzraum Bildung”, which focuses on dealing with the conflict in the Middle East in schools.
